The Ozpig Big Pig Charcoal Plate is designed to hold your Charcoal or Briquettes directly under your cooking surface for greater heat for cooking while using minimal fuel.

The custom design allows you to use it as a normal heat source for your chargrill and flatiron plates and fantastic for Rotisserie cooking where you need even heat over a long period of time. It can also be used with your Stove top for frying pans, pots and camp ovens.

I love the charcoal plate

Greatest bit of kit for the big pig.. I grabbed it for the rotisserie, to raise the coals up, but its better than that... put the grill plate over the top and its a super fast BBQ, you can grill and rotisserie at the same time... and the extra bonus is.. if you are doing a long couple of hours cook, wrap your veges in foil... and throw them in the pigs guts.. the heat from the coals heats up the main body of the pig and works like and oven... as the coals drop thru.. plenty of heat to cook the spuds.. whispers quietly... might try it with a cast iron dish to cook bread... only limited by your imagination

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Ozpig Big Pig Charcoal Plate
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