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Brilliant stays in place on our double bed, warm easy to get in and out of, I’m 6’ finally a bag I can move around in.
Alice R
Comfy chair to add to our kit for guests. Way better quality than other options from other stores at a similar price point.
Alice R
Easy to use battery powered light. Hangs nicely in our Zempire Titan canvas which is pretty much black out
Alice R
Easy to assemble. Great for food storage , or we use to put medicines, toilet bags etc and then use a bag lock to lock it up from the small kids. packs easily back in to its storage bag
Alice R
Easy to assemble. Great for food storage , and to put the toaster on etc. packs easily back in to its storage bag


The OZtrail range of camping and outdoor gear represents value for money and provides the genuine Kiwi camping family with the means to enjoy the New Zealand Outdoors to the full. With a comprehensive range of tents, camp furniture, shelters, lighting, sleeping bags, packs and more, with OZtrail we have your camping needs covered.