About Us

EquipOutdoors - New Zealand’s favourite brands. Our wealth of knowledge. The right gear for out there!
The EquipOutdoors story began back in 2003 purely online with a simple D.I.Y website and a Trademe auction account, since then we’ve opened a retail store in Hamilton and grown our product range to be one of the biggest camping & outdoor equipment offerings you will find. Our business model of having the biggest range, best brands, great prices and unrivalled service makes us the destination when shopping for outdoor camping, tramping, travel or RV equipment. We are passionate about creating awesome experiences for our customers by providing the right gear for their needs.
100% New Zealand Owned - Expert Experienced Staff - Fast Free Shipping* - Hassle Free Easy 30-day Returns - Best Brands - Best Prices
We are your leading independent Camping and Outdoor Gear Specialists.
New Zealand’s most comprehensive range of Camping & Outdoor Gear.
Our range is massive! We stock, sell & service some the best Camping & Outdoors brands available in New Zealand. Kiwi Camping, OZtrail, Coleman, Zempire, Campmaster & Companion to name a few. Check out of full range of brands here
Why buy from us?
Because we are New Zealand’s leading independent customer service orientated camping & outdoor equipment store. Try us today. Unlike most other retailers, our value-added service extends past the payment for your product. At EquipOutoors, we strive to balance price with service. In addition to our everyday low prices when you buy from us you get fast shipping, genuine manufacturers warranties with support, expert advice from experienced knowledgeable staff, access to replacement/repair parts, ongoing customer support and access to our EquipPlus+ Members Club where your membership earns you valuable Equip+ Loyalty points. If you are after a service orientated company then welcome to our store.
Being an independent business gives us the freedom to source, test and range the best quality products at the best price from a large range of suppliers, as well as some exclusive international brands only available from us. With our larger volumes comes better buying power from bigger brands which means better prices and bigger savings for you. Our prices are competitive and coupled with our fast & reliable delivery we can provide you with your outdoor gear needs quickly and effortlessly.
We aim to provide the same practical knowledge, service & advice online as is offered in our store. If you have any questions regarding sales, products or expert tips please contact us here
We offer payment via credit card, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, PayPal, Q Card**, Afterpay & Direct Bank Deposit. Finance options include, GEM Visa/Creditline.
** In-store only
Our website is dynamic, easy to use, safe and secure using a 128 bit SSL encryption protocol, the most secure online shopping protocol.
We are proud of our customer service record and will go to great lengths to keep our customers happy. EquipOutdoors will replace or refund any item that is faulty or damaged on arrival. Please refer to our full returns policy here
Schools, Outdoor Education Programmes, Government, Local bodies, Sports Clubs, Scout Groups & Corporate Business accounts.
EquipOutdoors offers wholesale pricing for schools, sports clubs, groups, education centres, government departments, local bodies & corporate business accounts.
For more information on our wholesale offering and how we can work with your group visit our Wholesale Accounts page here
All our products are sold with manufacturers warranty for 100% peace of mind
Location: We are located at 62 Killarney Road, Frankton, Hamilton, 3204.
Store hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Statutory & Public Holiday days: Closed
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This site is owned by Protective Elements Limited and is subject to copyright. You must not copy any part of this site, in any form.
All trademarks on this site are the property of their respective owners. Usage of the trademarks, and any other material on this site, is prohibited. The use of manufacturer’s logos, trademarks or the use of reference numbers does not indicate in anyway their involvement in this site.
Accuracy and correctness of the site
While we endeavour to ensure that all information on this site is correct, please note that prices, specifications, features and colours are subject to change. All products are subject to availability and styling variations may occur from time to time as a result of seasonal changes or improvements.